Texas Southern University
is proud to offer the

EOC welcomes you to the first step of your new future.
The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is a federal grant program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of the EOC program is to increase adult enrollment into programs of postsecondary education including trade and vocational schools. One of the free services we provide is career counseling, which brings you here.
Throughout your life, you have big decisions to make. One of the biggest is what job you want to pursue. The choice starts with the Self-Directed Search (SDS).

- The SDS is a 20-minute career interest test that asks questions about your aspirations, activities, skills, and interests in different jobs.
- It includes a description of the Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC) personality types.
- From your responses, the SDS produces your personal three-letter Summary Code, which corresponds to occupations and fields of study that match well with your personality.
- At the end of the test, you get a personalized interactive report that lists careers and programs of study that match your Summary Code.
- An EOC counselor will contact you to discuss your results.
No matter who you are, the SDS can help.

Ready to get started?