is proud to offer the

SDS Big Hexagon

Realistic types generally like to work with things more than with people. They are often described as genuine, sensible, practical, natural, thrifty, modest, persistent, and honest.


Investigative types typically like to work with ideas more than with people or things. They are usually described as logical, curious, exact, intellectual, cautious, independent, quiet, and modest.


Artistic types usually like to work with ideas more than with things. They are usually described as open, creative, independent, emotional, impulsive, and original.


Social types typically like to work with people more than with things. They are often described as helpful, understanding, responsible, warm, cooperative, convincing, friendly, kind, generous, and patient.


Enterprising types generally like to work with people and ideas more than with things. They are usually described as outgoing, adventurous, energetic, optimistic, sociable, and self-confident.


Conventional types generally like to work with papers and numbers. They are typically described as practical, careful, thrifty, efficient, orderly, and persistent.


Connecting You With Fulfilling Career Options

Exploring career options can be an enlightening experience–its’ and exercise in learning more about yourself and about the opportunities that best fit your personality. The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is a career assessment tool created by Dr. John Holland that has been used more than 36 million times.

The SDS is based on Holland’s theory, known as RIASEC theory, that both people and work environments can be classified according to the six basic types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. One of the main ideas of this theory is that the closer your personality type aligns with your work environment type, the more likely you are to find fullfilment at work.


The SDS takes about 20 minutes. When you are finished, you will receive a customized interactive report that includes occupational and educational options based on your Summary Code as well as options to further sort, search, and filter your results based on criteria that are important to you. Explore your results by career cluster, educational level, Holland Occupational Code, and projected job outlook.

There are many things to consider when deciding what career path is right for you. INTEGRITAS® is here to help!

Ready to get started?

Take the SDS >